become a facilitator
Catalyse a shift in consciousness
Fertile ground for your own creativity
and your work with clients.
Visual Medicine™is a radical visionary psychospiritual practice offering a visual template for how we can create in co-creative partnership with Universal creative energy.
Visual Medicine™ is a spiritual creative practice at the cutting edge of newly emergent creative techniques transforming consciousness. Developed over two decades of research and practice by artist + psychotherapist Suzette Clough, the Facilitator Training programme is a way to enhance and deepen your own creativity whilst adding to your professional skill set.
Visual Medicine™ will give you a conceptual framework to tap into the multidimensional ways in which the Unconscious, Spirit and Universe can communicate with us through this deceptively simple alchemical creative practice.
Visual Medicine™ supports current neuroscientific research which shows that creativity can elevate brain patterning altering perceptions and allowing us to see the world in new and transformative ways. Creativity is a practice so we can keep re-learning and extending our brain’s ability to engage and acquire fresh perceptions.
Visual Medicine™ is a radically simple technique bypassing our inner judgement system through a painting practice that is accessible to each person regardless of their creative expertise or physical or emotional capacity.
Visual Medicine™ speaks in the transformative language of the creative right brain unlocking dimensions to other ways of knowing and intuiting the world.
Visual Medicine™ teaches a way of seeing beyond habituated patterns through a practice of creative revelation giving access to fresh insights and radical possibilities.
Visual Medicine™ images are portals offering new perspectives on blocked energy patterns opening the door to the possibility of a whole new perceptual ecology.
Get nourished by the limitless generosity of Creative Source and bring the healing power of transformational creativity to your work with clients…
Creativity is not only a way of making beautiful things, but a transformative way of seeing, thinking, and connecting with our deepest knowing in generative reciprocity with the world we all want to live in.
Who is the training for?
The Visual Medicine™ Facilitator training is for all kinds of practitioners who want to make a visible, tangible, joyful difference to the lives of their clients.
Working with images as a creative lens can uniquely help to understand complex emotional and psychological states that words alone do not always allow us to get to - let alone transform. The training is a truly supportive online experiential learning environment that fosters your trust in your own innate creativity.
You will learn from the inside-out how to dive deep by creating your own Visual Medicine paintings and gain hands-on experience of facilitating groups on the course, ways of working with individual clients, and groups related to your professional field. You don’t need prior painting experience to apply - but you will need hands-on experience of Visual Medicine. You can find courses here or contact me to work with me one-to-one
What does the training cover?
How to work with Visual Medicine™ with individual clients and specific groups.
How to integrate Visual Medicine™ in your own professional working practice.
How to set up a group practice space with materials or online.
How to create a Visual Medicine™ journal.
How to write Inner Dialogue with images and Focussing Words.
How to look for and track the healing medicine themes that emerge over time though the paintings and the journaling practice.
How to create guided visual meditations.
Exploration of ideas about mutual reciprocity and the principle of co-participation with the creating Universe through the lens of Visual Medicine™ as a co-creative healing practice.
The Quantum principles involved in the visual patterns that emerge through practising Visual Medicine™.
An exploration of the hidden language within Visual Medicine™ paintings.
Ways of expanding your visual lexicon through appreciation of cultural images and symbols and their archetypal associations and meanings as they appear through the paintings.
Why the trademark ™ after Visual Medicine™? Visual Medicine™ is a trademarked as a distinct process of painting and writing often with Focusing cards, Visual Meditation using a unique defined protocol that allows everyone profound access to the innate multiplicity of their Creative Mind.
You will learn the distinct phases and cycles of the creative Journey:
The catalysts for starting out on a creative journey often appear to us in the form of grief or wordless loss, a sense of stuckness, fear of change or fear of letting go, inertia, illness, resurfacing of a trauma or a long held but unfulfilled desire that refuses to be quashed.
Leaving the shore of what you already know and stepping into the Unknown.
Connecting to the origin story of your own creativity and why it matters.
How to get to your own questions that have meaning and energetic currency and can shape the flow of creativity in your own life.
Stepping out with the right questions that can open worlds.
Finding your way in the Unknown.
Meeting your Inner Teacher.
Finding your Inner Compass.
Discovering the Oracle voice within yourself through the language of the paintings.
Unfolding your own personal creative narrative.
Transforming past experiences with newly emergent possibilities held within the images.
BEING AN Artist is shorthand for becoming the creator of new worlds
the worlds you want to live in…
The training is held solely online on Zoom - so you can literally take it from anywhere in the world. You will receive recordings of all sessions - including the Zoom sessions held between weekends.
No. Many people I work with have little or no prior experience of painting. You can train as a Visual Medicine ™ with no prior art-making training. Desire to make meaning are more important than learnt skill or past training. You will need to have experience of working with Suzette in a short course like Painting with the Ancestors or 1-2-1 sessions before you can take the training.
Yes - you will need to have completed at least one online course or weekend workshop with Suzette. It’s important that you have hands-on experience of the Visual Medicine practice. She regularly offers a 5-week online course - Painting with the Universe or Painting with Ancestors both of which are a grounded introduction to Visual Medicine™. She also offers private teaching sessions over Zoom if you want to learn the technique and experience working with her. If you have any questions or requests please contact her.
The training is for people who long to make creativity the heart of their work or who want to expand what they already do. You can take the training as part of your personal creative journey or you can train to use it in your “already” work. You can join the training to deepen your own creative work or practice. There is not need to have to know how you might use it.
Here are just a few possibilities of how you might use Visual Medicine in the work you already do.
Of course, the training also covers how can create Visual Medicine workshops.
Art Therapists: Visual Medicine can leap frog over the blocks to self-expression through the simplicity of the technique. It can give clients an experience of emotional flow, creative potency as well trigger a cascade of insightful free associations. It allows clients to enter the realm of their Unconscious, unfettered by negative judgements because everyone can immediately create freely and authentically using Visual Medicine. It is an ideal way of helping children and adults gain confidence in the otherwise daunting medium of Paint.
Visual Artists: Visual Medicine is a dynamic encounter with the energy of Creation itself. It will allow you to help people get over the biggest barrier to creating with paint which is the level of skill required to make paintings that people actually like. Visual Medicine lifts the veil of self-criticism and judgement that so many wounded or untutored creators feel when they look at a blank sheet of paper.
Psychotherapists: Visual Medicine has an innate capacity to uncover the Unconscious, both intrapsychically and relationally. It allows you to track the present and conceive of prescient transformational change with your client. When things get stuck it can provide a meta-level through which to understand the unspoken Unconscious relationship. It can be used with your client in sessions, or as an inner supervisory tool using your own painting practice. It offers a luminous window into the emergent relational field of transformational possibility. Or used as a simple healing activity to share when a nonverbal technique may be needed.
Business Coaches and Life Coaches: Clients often come with issues and desires that are not quite conscious. Visual Medicine can help articulate through the language of the right brain what is unknown, emergent and desired in their work or business as well as uncovering hidden blocks to achieving this. Visual Medicine is at the cutting edge of creative thinking and its application within the field of business and life coaching.
Health and Healing Practitioners: Visual Medicine offers a profound additional form of creative healing. Using Visual Medicine images can help clients articulate unconscious information, body thoughts and feelings including fears, blocks and hidden resources. It can give an anchor in the subtle realm of healing as a practice of enquiry and visual meditation. Using your own Visual Medicine images or having a simple painting set-up for clients to create their own images can provide an insightful addition to your healing practice.
Teachers: Visual Medicine is powerful ally in helping children (and adults) feel more empowered in their own creativity. The visual immediacy and simplicity of the technique are a dynamic way to allow children to be naturally creative. We know the knock-on effect of free flowing accessible creativity on children’s learning is synergistic and exponential. A mind that can be creative can create anything. You could even host a Professional Development Day using Visual Medicine as a workshop for teachers so they too can experience free flowing natural creativity.
Yoga and Tai Chi Instructors: Yoga, Tai Chi and Visual Medicine go together perfectly. Visual Medicine is not only a deeply spiritual painting and writing practice but also an energy system that opens the bodymind to deep healing and expansion. Meditate with Visual Medicine images to intuitively feel how they impact your natural energy system. Breathe + Connect + Create
Dance and Movement Therapists: Dance your painting. Find meaning in how your body and soul communicate through emergent images. These are oracular images - you can literally dance your way into meaning and transformation through the holistic intelligence of the creative bodymind.
Spiritual Practitioners: Visual Medicine is a spiritual creative practice. It came into being with the words “Spirit longs to be made material”. The soul naturally finds direct expression through the radical simplicity of this spiritually transformative creative practice.
The Visual Medicine Facilitator Training is held ONLINE over 3 x three-day weekend workshops and 1 x two day workshop. The workshop weekends are always on Friday, Saturday, Sunday.
The times allow for international participation. For example - 2.00pm - 7.00pm UK (GMT) London each day.
In addition there will be 6 x 90 minute Zoom sessions. All sessions are recorded in case you are unable to attend every session - although attendance is important. The Zoom sessions are sprinkled on different days allowing for maximum attendance.
Included are 1 × 60 minute personal consultation with Suzette.
All sessions are recorded if you need to miss.
Yes. Having a personal Visual Medicine practice is essential to becoming a Visual Medicine facilitator. Your practice builds through learning from your own experience and personal process. Whilst you are training you will need to make time for one hands-on painting session a week and use Visual Medicine paintings with Focusing Words in your journaling practice.
As part of your course work you have a choice of either running a small Visual Medicine group or several sessions of individual client work. The group could even be for friends or family.
Yes. Your own level of experience will influence how ready you feel to work with clients using Visual Medicine. In the training you will look at how to incorporate the process within the frame of your own working practice. I also offer Supervision.
You will need to provide your own art materials from the supplies list. The materials are quite simple - you will build up your own favourite materials over time.
The groups is established in a supportive culture of self + other enquiry.
There is also a closed Facebook group to share questions and your own process. You will also have access to an online Students Studio which holds Visual Medicine teaching materials including a supplies list, meditations, helpful articles, writing prompts and inspirational quotes and poems.
There is also a personal consultation with Suzette included in the training.
Yes. You will hold a professional certificate and be able to use the title Certified Visual Medicine Facilitator. There will be other offerings to develop your working practice as a facilitator.
Please contact me via email for an application form or an initial chat about the training. After receiving your application we will arrange an interview.
Once I haveaccepted your application you will give a deposit of £300 to hold your place payment options.
This year the training is being held all online. The times make it particularly accessible to the UK, Europe + USA.
2nd May, 3rd May, 4th May
20th June, 21st June, 22nd June
11th July - 12th July
19th September, 20th September, 21st September
All training days 2.30pm - 7.30 pm UK London (British Summer Time) - please check your local time zones
6 x 90 minute Zoom group practice sessions (sprinkled throughout the weekend dates) are part of the training.
These practice sessions are for working with your images + Visual Meditation + questions about the practice and your individual process.
Zoom sessions will be held at various times so you can attend when you can - all sessions are recorded.
90 minute Zoom sessions will usually occur on alternate Friday afternoons @ 2.30pm or Thursday afternoons @3.30pm
A 60 minute individual session with Suzette is scheduled by arrangement
The fee is £2,750. The discounted EARLY BIRD FEE is £2,450 - if paid in full at the time the course commences. There is an instalment plan available over the duration of the course, or over a longer time frame by arrangement. I offer several discounted places on the training - please ask me.
You will need to pay a deposit of £300 on being accepted for the training + installments or full fee to access the Early Bird rate.
I am so looking forward to working with you!
Yes. Suzette offers ongoing Inner Supervision groups to support you in your professional development. These groups are offered as optional additional training and support on a monthly basis. They provide a rich and engaging space to track your inner journey and reflect on your work with clients. Suzette also offers Supervision and Creative Consultancy.
show your interest for the next intake - maRCH 2025
Visual Medicine is a catalyst, opening portals to hidden worlds that live within us, and within the collective creative imagination of the multiverse…
Visual Medicine is a multilingual, multiversal conversation. When we stop trying to control creation by second-guessing what it should look like - it bubbles, flows and communicates as an actual intelligence. What comes through onto the page becomes its own true shape in co-created relationship with us bringing with it profound messages.
Visual Medicine is a transformer of old stories by visually and energetically showing other possibilities through the language of the paint. Visual Medicine acts as a catalyst, opening portals to hidden worlds that live within us and within the collective creative imagination of the multiverse.
There is nothing we have to change about who we are to be quantumly creative - it is written in our DNA.
Everything we need is already within us, right here…right now.
What people are saying
Interested in applying for the next training?
We’d love to hear from you.
Contact us below and find out more.