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When the ocean is searching for you don’t walk to the language-river. Listen to the ocean and bring your talky business to an end.
~ Rumi ~
After years of painting, I found a spiritual creative practice that I have come to call Visual Medicine.
Visual Medicine™️ is a radically simple painting process which allows images to emerge – to be born, rather than painted. The paintings are made without a brush by scooping acrylic paint onto watercolour paper that has been wet, allowing the images to essentially paint themselves. The paintings that arise from this process are templates of infinite complexity and integrity that seem to express the underlying forms and patterns existing in nature, which in turn give a visual access to the vastness of possibility within your own internal nature.
From the moment I first saw the signs of Visual Medicine™️ taking shape on paper, I envisaged a book with images and words, which could somehow transmit the physical experience of painting as an act of soul-speaking. I wanted to acknowledge that our psyche or soul’s imagination has the capacity for creative enquiry, which allows us to understand and heal what is hurt, blocked, underdeveloped, unspoken and sometimes even unspeakable, while opening us to the possibility of the mysterious, the expansive, the unknown. I wanted to acknowledge that paintings are not just decorations to hang on walls but soul markers, artefacts woven from the complex threads of our lives.
This book will introduce you to Visual Medicine™️ as a psychospiritual-creative practice and show you how to create your own paintings. It will teach you how to hold a conversation through using your paintings and writing with them, and how to keep a Visual Journal. Visual Medicine™️ will introduce you to what I have called the Oracle Mind - the potent visionary energy of the right-brain that each human consciousness carries innately and guide you into this vast mind that problem solves, creates, and dreams.
From: Visual Medicine - The Art of the Unknown - Suzette Clough
Praise for Visual Medicine - the Art of the Unknown
I adore this wise, rich book. Reading it and working it feels a bit like discovering a form of healing magic...
Jennifer Louden - Activist + Best-selling author of The Life Organizer + The Woman's Comfort Book
The images are primal, powerful and energetic which remind us of the potency of nature in full force. This process enables you to access your own inner world including your shadow and setbacks and brings you closer to your resources, discovering a different perspective to your original enquiry. This book is for those who dare to go into a journey of self discovery that will empower and give meaning to our lives.
Lili Levy - Dramatherapist, Author – ‘Representacion de Las Emociones en La Dramaterapia’
Visual Medicine - the Art of the Unknown is an exquisite offering from a brilliant artist and psychotherapist. Its evocative images, poetry and wisdom invite the reader to open and journey deeper into the landscapes of their own soul.
Miranda Macpherson - Spiritual Teacher, Author of Boundless Love + Founder of OneSpirit Seminary
Visual Medicine has made a lasting impact on my writing and creative work. This book is a work of the heart, soul & spirit.
Jackee Holder - Master Coach, writing coach, spiritual activist - author of Soul Purpose
When the skill and creativity of a visionary, an artist, a therapist and a teacher come together, magic happens. Stunningly beautiful in both images and words, Suzette Clough offers the fruits of 30 years of exploring with students and clients the techniques she has developed and refined and lovingly guides readers into expanding their self knowledge using the alchemy of Visual Medicine.
Gloria D. Karpinski - Spiritual Teacher, Author - Barefoot on Holy Ground, + Where Two Worlds Touch
I love this book!
Mark Bryan - Master Coach, Author of The Artist’s Way at Work + co-developer with Julia Cameron of The Artist’s Way - 12 week recovery programme.